Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums
Calcium is a mineral that is lacking in many diets today. A good amount of it is necessary for adults and children to maintain healthy bones, teeth, muscles, etc.
However, compared to adults, kids have higher chances of getting calcium deficiency. Despite being one of the most commonly found minerals in humans, kids often lack calcium. And it not only affects bodily health but also hampers and weakens the teeth.
This can further lead to tooth decay, osteoporosis, weak roots, brittle teeth, irritated gums, and more. So how can you ensure your child has enough calcium required for his\her growth?
In this article, we will give some tips to the parents on how they can ensure their child gets the required amount of nutrients and why it is needed in the first place!
Why is calcium important for kids?
The best time to build strong bones is when we are teens and kids. Getting enough calcium as a child will give your kid the strongest bones possible as an adult. As a result, they are protected from bone loss as they age.
Vitamin D and calcium are necessary for young children and babies to prevent rickets. As a result of rickets, bones become soft, muscles become swollen, and growth is stunted. Apart from these, there are many other major health issues that are caused due to lack of the same.
We all know that 99% of the calcium is found in our bones, so it is very vital to take care of the diet that your child is following and whether she is getting all the required nutrients or not.
Ways to make your child consume enough calcium
If your kid is not getting enough calcium, try these food combinations and tips:
There is a possibility that kids who cannot eat dairy will not get enough calcium. Talk to your healthcare provider if your children suffer from lactose intolerance, milk allergies, or any other dietary restrictions.
How much calcium should your child consume?
Parents need to have a clear idea of how much calcium their kids should consume to meet the daily calcium requirements. Approximately 30 percent of an adult’s recommended daily calcium intake can be given to children.
It is possible to add calcium to your child’s diet in other ways if he or she is allergic to dairy or does not like milk. There are a variety of alternatives to milk available today. The amount of vitamin D is found in Lactaid and plant-based milk, including almond milk. Lastly, before changing your kid’s diet, talk to a professional.