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Retainers After Braces: Here’s Why Wearing Your Retainer Is So Important

If you have been using braces for several months or years, you are likely anticipating when you will get them off and smile beautifully.

This day may be good, but allow me to remind you that your journey toward a great-looking smile is not over yet. The dentist at Stellar Dental will want you to wear a retainer for some time to ensure your new smile is well-maintained.

What is a Retainer, and why are They Needed?

Retainers are fixed orthodontic appliances used after a particular time when one has had an orthodontic treatment to complete the work of aligning one’s teeth. Retainers are usually crafted individually from metal and plastic and worn over the teeth’ upper arch.

The inability to wear a retainer after braces will lead to a relapse, and the teeth will have to undergo complex and lengthy treatment to correct.

Here are some reasons why you should take your retainer seriously:

They Maintain Your Newly Adjusted Bite

When getting braces removed by a dentist or orthodontist near you, some adjustments regarding the bone and soft tissues around your teeth will need to be made. They will gradually settle into new positions, and teeth are less likely to return to their previous positions. However, until this is accomplished, you must wear a retainer to maintain proper bite.

They provide space for the third molars to develop

Braces are mainly applied to teenagers since they are still in the process of growing. Sometimes, this is because their third molars have not come out, commonly called wisdom teeth. When a retainer is worn after treatment, it creates enough space in the jaw to contain these new teeth without any other orthodontic mishaps.

They Help You Save Time, Money, and Energy in the Long Run

People may consider placing retainers as an inconvenience after months or even years of wearing braces, but retainers near you can be very useful in preventing such a scenario.

They help maintain the new position of your teeth and stop them from moving back, meaning you do not need other braces in the future.

Why You Must Wear Your Retainer After the Braces

First, to understand why retainers are necessary, one must learn what braces do to teeth. Braces almost completely modify the attributes of teeth and the items within them. They also modify tendons found in teeth besides the jawbone and the soft tissue.

The issue is that they cannot retain the alterations they initially brought when the braces are removed. Thus, these changes can be as easily reversed to the prior state.

That is where the retainer comes in. The retainers ensure that the teeth changes are well fixed after removing the braces. If one does not wear the teeth as often as recommended, especially for those wearing braces, all the efforts can go down the drain since the teeth might shift back to their original position.

So, if you wish to have straight teeth and ensure that all the braces procedures were not for naught, you must wear your retainer.

Types of retainers

After braces are removed, orthodontics recommend three retainers. All of them ensure that teeth do not shift and fix them firmly in their new position.

Bonded retainer

The first type is known as a bonded retainer. After the braces are removed, it is bonded to the teeth to maintain their aligned position for a few months.

A bonded retainer is advisable when one has to wear the retainer all the time after orthodontic treatment.

Hawley retainer

The second kind of retainer is one that can be removed from the mouth. Hawley retainers, also known as wire retainers, can be removed for eating and cleaning purposes.

Just because your retainer is removable does not mean it is no less essential to wear it and abide by your orthodontist’s guidelines.

Clear plastic retainer

The third type of retainer is also removable.
Also known as a molded retainer, this one is made to fit the new position of the teeth after the treatment.

In recent years, clear plastic retainers have been used because they are hardly noticeable and, thus, are more likely to be worn. This retainer is not to be confused with Invisalign, a method of orthodontic treatment that targets tooth movement.

Regarding wearing and usage, remember to follow the orthodontist’s instructions.

How Long Does a Person Have to Wear the Retainer?

People usually wear retainers for an average of one year after the braces have been taken off. During the first six months, you may need to wear them during the daytime and even at night. After this, you might be allowed to wear the retainer at night to let the natural teeth adjust to their new position. When your dentist presents you with your retainer, make sure that they explain the right ways of using it to maintain your mouth.


That is what happens when you don’t wear your retainer after braces treatment. As you have observed, a retainer is an absolute requirement for those who want to keep their teeth straight. After removing your braces, retainers might help you maintain your teeth’s alignment.

Please contact our caring staff at Stellar Dental if you have any questions regarding your orthodontic treatment or how retainers can help you maintain a bright and healthy smile.