

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Soft Foods Allowed To Eat After Oral Surgery

To heal after a tooth removal, take care of your mouth and surgery sites. Avoid foods that can damage extraction sites and promote infection. Here are 5 foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal. Soft foods and lots of liquids safeguard and speed up extraction healing.

Stellar Dental suggests avoiding foods that are too hot or cold. Anesthesia can last up to 24 hours, and the mouth may be numb for many hours after surgery. Avoid scorching the mouth and harming the surgery by eating only lukewarm food.

Top 5 Soft Food Suggestions by Stellar Dental After Dental Surgery

Preventing problems following dental surgery requires a good diet and comfort. It speeds up wound healing. These foods should be on your grocery list after wisdom teeth extraction, dental bone transplant, or periodontal surgery:

#1 Ice Cream

Soft meals like ice cream are advised following oral surgery. Ice cream can minimize mouth swelling after surgery. It will dull the ache so you can consume other foods. Besides dental surgery, ice cream soothes after root canal therapy.

After dental implants, dentists recommend it as a calming treat. However, temperance and dental hygiene are essential. After eating your scoop, clean your teeth and drink lots of water. Avoid having ice cream with nuts.

#2 Smoothies

Smoothies have many nutrients and are flexible. You can choose fruits and veggies to suit your taste and gain vitamins and minerals. A teaspoon of Greek yogurt or protein powder boosts protein in smoothies.

Avoid adding strawberries and blackberries to smoothies with many seeds. These seeds might clog extraction sites. Stop using straws. Dislodging the blood clot with suction causes a dry socket, a painful condition.

#3 Soups

Blended soups are one of the best post-surgery diet options. Also, they are easy to swallow and contain the necessary nutrients. There are several possibilities for creamy tomato soup or hearty vegetable purée.

Cook your ingredients until tender, then mix until smooth to make these soups. Low-sodium broth or dairy-free milk can make soup soothing. Also, blended soups can become keto-soft meals with appropriate components after surgery.

#4 Mashed Potato

A classic soft food after oral surgery is mashed potatoes. This post-dental comfort food is nutritious and easy to eat. Additionally, you can use cooked or steamed potatoes. Add garlic powder, chives, or low-sodium chicken broth for more flavor.

They provide more calories and nutrients after surgery, restoring vitality. Mashed potatoes are wonderful for those struggling to eat since they provide nutrients in just a few bites. Experiment to delight your taste buds and protect your sensitive gums.

#5 Salmon

Despite popular belief, seafood is fine after surgery. Salmon, in particular, can aid healing. Dental surgery patients wanting high-quality protein might try soft-cooked salmon. It contains omega-3 fatty acids that boost health and reduce inflammation.

Salmon can be baked or steamed until flaky and fork-tender. For a refreshing taste, add herbs or lemon juice. It is a great soft dinner after oral surgery. You can add a few herbs and make it tastier to eat.


Dental surgery can include getting dental implants, pulling out a tooth, removing wisdom teeth, or doing a root canal. Your jaw and mouth may feel sore after the procedure. Eating soft foods after surgery will help keep the wound from getting inflamed.

As per the suggestions given by Stellar Dental, you should also avoid biting on the treated tooth. So, sticking to a soft food diet enables you to heal and get better after surgery. A little safety can make you recover from your surgery soon.